
All Health o meter® Professional scales are factory calibrated. We do understand that healthcare facilities have their own calibration standards and when necessary all of our scales can be easily calibrated. Click on the scale image to view the calibration procedure.

Filter by Model Number:
Model: 2210KL4-AM
Model: 2400KL
Model: 501KL (Discontinued)
Model: 600KL
Model: 1100KL-EHR
Model: 3001KL-AM
Model: 3001KL-AM
Model: 349KLX
Model: 522KL
Model: 1100KL
Model: 1100KL
Model: 500KLHB
Model: 2210KL-AM
Model: 2210KL-AM
Model: 500KL-BT
Model: 565KL