Digital platform scale, pounds, and kilograms

Digital platform scale, kilograms only

2101KL with built-in Pelstar® wireless technology

2101KG with built-in Pelstar® wireless technology

2101KL with optional height rod (STROD)

2101KG with optional height rod (STROD)

Optional digital height rod for the 2101 series of scales

Optional height rod for 2101 series

ScaleSurance® 2 year extended warranty for 2101 series (not available in all countries)

Adapter included item # for replacement or spare

Plug adapters for use outside North America

Wireless Upgrade Kit for Use with Welch Allyn® Monitors

Wireless Upgrade Kit for use with pre-approved devices and Windows® / Linux® PCs (USB dongle included)

Wireless Upgrade Kit for Use with Pre-Approved Devices and Windows®/ Linux Applications (USB Dongle Not Included)

Wireless Thermal Printer Kit